NUCLEUS classifies the information as two types, one that is perennial, where the facts do not change and the other where the information is dynamic in nature.
With categorization and classification support, backed up by a COTS database at the back-end, it is possible to create a database with tens of thousands of questions, with their relevant answers. The most important factor is that this knowledge lies within the institution and is categorized for easy access into the database. Any amount of control on this data can be built using the learning/teaching/evaluation framework provided by the solution.
NUCLEUS helps classify and create questionnaires on the fly by the evaluators and facilitators, group them and apply roles to make them effective on the intranet for the respective target learning group.
NUCLEUS also helps in conducting surveys, opinion polls and feedback. This data could be used by enterprises to carry out their employee feedback surveys, by colleges/educational establishments to understand the learning experience.
Surveys are also subject based and can be categorized. A single framework engine is used by NUCLEUS to render these questions and answers to the target audience, which can be configured for role based access. NUCLEUS is substantiated with a powerful central console to manage the learning and evaluation process.
NUCLEUS reporting engine provides a variety of report generation capabilities to understand and evaluate performance, feedback analysis and perform analytical reporting.
• Create and maintain questions based on Subjects / Topics
• Create Questionnaires on the fly and set their validity and publish these for target audiences.
• Create and maintain Practice Questions and Practice Question Papers based on Subjects / Topics. Capability to incorporate hints and descriptive answers to Practice questions
• Multiple choice answers for each question. Minimum of 3 and Maximum of 5.
• Conduct Practice sessions and Quizzes based on the level of users such as Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.
• Set Time limits and Validity for each questionnaire.
• Provision for capturing brief descriptions for the questions, justifying the answer chosen.
• Provision for capturing the user details such as Name, Age group, Gender and email id.
• Create and maintain Survey Questions and Surveys based on the departments/functions in the institution.
• Multiple choice answers for each Survey question. Min-2 and Max-5. A set of predefined answers are built into the product.
• Option for selecting multiple answers for each Survey Question.
• Conduct Surveys depending upon the user profile.
• Set Time limits and Validity for each Survey.
• Provision for capturing the user details as well as subjective feedbacks/answers.